مَنْ جَدَّ وَجَدَ

"Barang siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti ia akan berhasil"
Negeri Lima Menara


About me

Janganlah terlalu sering menceritakan dirimu kepada orang lain, sebab orang yang menyukaimu tak butuh itu dan yang membencimu tak percaya itu !



Saya sangat suka membaca buku seperti novel, komik,wattpad dan mendengarkan cerita. Selain itu saya juga sangat suka meluruskan tulang punggung saya atau lebih singkatnya tidur :-)



Menjadi wanita yang sukses baik di urusan keluarga, pekerjaan, dan segalanya. intinya jadi orang sukses dengan cara yang baik dan bisa jadi orang yang berguna untuk manusia lainnya



    Makanan Favorit: apa pun asal halal
    Warna Favorit: hijau dan biru
    Hewan Favorit : Kucing


During the training program, there's a lot of stories going on. First, the joy and sorrow of the learning program are learning new sciences and gaining exciting experiences during activities. The sadness of learning a program was that I could not understand the material given and had to repeat several recorded videos. If I don't understand the material or sometimes find the problem and I don't understand where the problem lies. Whereas I've been trying to synchronize the override codes. However, the result is inconsistent with the example set. It was then that my zeal began to deteriorate to complete my assignment. I will continue with the assignment when my enthusiasm for it increases, But when I did manage to solve the problem contained in a program code there was Pleasure and pride in themselves because at that time had successfully resolved their own problems while studying Second I want to tell you about my friends who participated in the activities of cub programmers. My friends, myself included, are particularly fond of the lessons taught by teacher, Because in terms of material exposure it is easy to understand and very patient in teaching participants.